Tam Juniper Bunjin-

Tam Juniper, Juniperus sabina ‘Tamariscifolia’, is a commonly planted conifer for foundations and gardens. The foliage grows upright from the branch, giving it a sprightly appearance.

Once upon a time this Tam Juniper had a mirror image partner…it was a multiple trunk plant connected at the base, and we separated it long ago in a study group.

The day these photos were taken was a basic ‘clean up day’ for the juniper—no wire was applied, removing only old and dangling foliage and shortening shoots that were overlong, and also sanding the bark, cleaning deadwood, and applying lime sulfur. This is yearly work on any juniper.


Tam Juniper as it is usually seen, as a spreading conifer in a garden


Having grown for a year, the juniper has gotten raggedy…


…after touching it up

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  1. paul3636 says:

    I don’t understand. I really like needle junipers. Am I the only one?????

  2. garyswiech says:

    I never thought a Tam juniper could look this good as a bonsai given it’s usual foliage in the landscape.

  3. tangobunny says:

    wow….what a difference a “touch up” makes!Impressive.Ciao!BunnyDate: Wed, 1 Jun 2016 15:29:03 +0000 To: bunny_o@msn.com

  4. Ronald Scarborough says:


  5. Pat Foldi says:

    Really lovely!

  6. Don Erickson says:

    What a great looking Juniper!

  7. Graham says:

    Nice, very nice. Did you only clean (remove the bark) the live vein…I.e. It doesn’t appear that you used the walnut sock.

  8. Patrice Morrow says:

    I haven’t used sand paper to touch up juniper trunks; what grit do you use? Any additional advice? Thanks!

  9. justin says:

    Awesome tree! Strangely enough I like the before version sliiiiightly more. It has an unshaven ‘coastal’ vibe to it. But that’s just my two cents. And we got rid of pennies in Canada, so two cents rounds down to nothing…

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