The Long Range Plan for Single-flush Plants ~

The Long Range Plan for Single-flush Plants ~

Decandling black pines…defoliating trident maples…such techniques stimulate multiple flush plants to ramify and make smaller needles and leaves. Because they spur such surprising regrowth, we look mournfully at our single flush plants as if they could do better.  White pines, Japanese maple, Beech, Spruce, Hemlock, Magnolia, Oak, etc. all fall into the single flush plant category. And […]

Revisiting a Raised-Root Cascade White Pine-

Revisiting a Raised-Root Cascade White Pine-

This tree has developed quite a bit in the last few years. The exposed roots have grown in size, and the development of the branches made our re-tweaking a bit more complete. Konnor is a client who tosses a few trees in a car and drives across several state lines to spend a few days […]

Matt, Tyler, and Bobby in Japan-

Part II of our trip to Japan earlier this month…

Choosing Branches for Flow–

Flow. In bonsai we need it, and we need it early. We have to decide ‘Right’ or ‘Left’ at the very beginning when crafting our trees, or we could land in a real aesthetic pickle. Flow is the direction the asymmetry of the tree moves, and is essential when it comes to linking the future […]

Compacting the Apex of a White Pine

Here’s one for the nerds of bonsai—‘How to create an apex’ is unlikely to raise the ardor of those with a passing interest in bonsai. But hopefully those who are dangerously close to being nuts about bonsai will appreciate the following photos: Next Post: Photos from my teaching trip to Johannesburg, South Africa!

What to do with White Pines in the Fall

Japanese White pine is a relatively simple plant to maintain. When we apply invasive pine techniques to White pine we usually end up weakening them. For starters, cutting green old needles off White pine is not a great idea. The tree rarely has the energy to respond positively to this, and it’s better to let […]